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Dynamically Loading an AngularJS UI.Router

When starting out on my AngularJS journey, I couldn't get a good handle on the router native to the framework. So I adopted the use of the wonderful angular-ui / ui-router. During the past few years of development, I've honed in (for better or worse) my paradigm for setting new applications and nearly every AngularJS app has a routes.js file.

Without going into background, I wanted a way to load the ui-router dynamically. Typically, the routes gets defined in a .js file and typically looks something like this:

angular.module('core').config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        .state('landing', {url: "/landing/:term", templateUrl: "apps/noted/templates/landing.html"})
        .state('uploadCalendar', {url: "/uploadCalendar", templateUrl: "apps/noted/templates/uploadCalendar.html"})
        .state('noteTakers', {url: "/noteTakers", templateUrl: "apps/noted/templates/notetakers.html"})
        .state('noteReceivers', {url: "/noteReceivers", templateUrl: "apps/noted/templates/notereceivers.html"})
        .state('studentAssignments', {url: "/studentAssignments", templateUrl: "apps/noted/templates/studentAssignments.html"})


I thought it would be cool if I could somehow dynamically load the router via a JSON file produced from a database. This would allow, over time, the root application to become more standardized yet flexible when delivering routes to the end user.

My first step was to set up a data table to the routing information. This table contains information for both the router and the menu system.  Each record in the table represents a route for a specific application in the overarching framework. In this case, a Function is equivalent to application.

The fields that will be utilized for the dynamic loading are:
  • Function ID - determines the application to load
  • ROUTE_NAME - name of the route
  • URL - url of the route as it appears in the browser
  • TEMPLATE_URL - path to the HTML template of the route
  • CONTROLLER - path to the controller's Javascript file for the given template/route
The FrameController is doing a few more things than just loading the routes. The first part of the code sets $rootScope state variables because I am going to need the routing information for the frame template and I wanted a quick and easy way to reference $state values.

The controller dependencies are as follows:
  • $rootScope, $scope
  • $ocLazyLoad - needed to lazyLoad the controller Javascript 
  • $state, $stateParams
  • $stateRegistry - this is the key dependency to registering the state
  • frameDataService - interface to the database
The $scope.getUrlParameters function does what it says, which is to pull in url parameters. The overarching application that the AngularJS code sits in has not been angularized (yet), so I needed a way for the AngularJS app to know which user function was being called.

The $scope.goto function is just a quick way to navigate to the default route after routes have been loaded.
angular.module('core').controller('FrameController', function($rootScope, $ocLazyLoad, $scope, $timeout, $state,$stateParams, $stateRegistry, frameDataService){
    $rootScope.$state = $state;
    $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;

    $scope.getUrlParameter = function(sParam) {
     var sPageURL = decodeURI(;
     var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');

     for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++)
         var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
         if (sParameterName[0] == sParam)
             return sParameterName[1];

    $scope.goto = function(_route, _params){
        $state.go(_route, _params);
    }'getFunctionRoutes&_f=' + $scope.getUrlParameter('f')).then(function(data){
        $scope.routes =;
        for (var i=0; i < $scope.routes.length; i++){
            console.log( $scope.routes[i])
            if ( $scope.routes[i].name.length == 0){
            if ( $scope.routes[i].name.length > 0){
                var _state = {
                    name: $scope.routes[i].name,
                    url: $scope.routes[i].url,
                    templateUrl: $scope.routes[i].templateUrl,
                    icon: $scope.routes[i].icon,
                    displayName: $scope.routes[i].displayName,
                    instructions: $scope.routes[i].instructions,
                    c:  $scope.routes[i].controller ,
                    lazyLoad : function($transition$,_controller){
                        return $transition$.injector().get('$ocLazyLoad').load(_controller.c);

                if ($scope.routes[i].status == 'ROOT'){
But the intended core of this post revolves around the next section of code: frameDataService is a simple service that uses the $http functionality of AngularJS to query that database via Coldfusion. The end result is a data that is in JSON format - so it really doesn't matter what is used. A sample of the data looks like the following:
Once the returns, I loop over the results. Keep in mind that I massage the route properties from their respective database names.
for (var i=0; i < $scope.routes.length; i++){
    console.log( $scope.routes[i])
    if ( $scope.routes[i].name.length == 0){
    if ( $scope.routes[i].name.length > 0){
        var _state = {
            name: $scope.routes[i].name,
            url: $scope.routes[i].url,
            templateUrl: $scope.routes[i].templateUrl,
            icon: $scope.routes[i].icon,
            displayName: $scope.routes[i].displayName,
            instructions: $scope.routes[i].instructions,
            c:  $scope.routes[i].controller ,
            lazyLoad : function($transition$,_controller){
                return $transition$.injector().get('$ocLazyLoad').load(_controller.c);
        if ($scope.routes[i].status == 'ROOT'){
First I test to see if the .name (ROUTE_NAME) exists. If not, I assume that this is a file to be included into the application, but no route is needed. For example, this could be a dataService. If there is a .name, then I create an object called _state. For the ui-router, the key properties are the name, url, templateUrl and to lazyLoad the corresponding controller. For the lazyLoad function, I discovered (accidentally) that the second parameter passed in is the _state. This allows us to easily pass in the path to the controller file.

The next step, after the _state is defined, is to register the _state by using the $stateRegistery.register function. The final step is to navigate to the ROOT route. This is in lieu of setting the $urlProvider.otherwise property which I haven't figured out to do yet.

So that's it in a nutshell. Get a JSON list of the routes; iterate through building a state object for each route; and then registering each state.

Just as a note: You'll see additional properties defined in the _state that are not actually part of the ui-router. These properties are used later in the framework to help standardize the look and feel of the content.

Hope this wasn't too confusing. As time permits, I may add some clarity later.



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