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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Conversion: I see U/IX - Part 2

Dates. I hate dates. I haven't quite figured out how to be proficient with dates moving from system to system, especially when the user has to enter them. For this project, four dates and times need be stored: outbound departure and arrival; and inbound departure and arrival. To achieve the data entry aspect of this, I am going to utilize the date and time pickers in  AngularStrap . [The Next Day] Did I mention I hate dates. The UI is a bit more challenging that I thought it would be. There are 8 inputs and six labels. If I remember correctly, I had the same problem with the Flex-based system as well. After mulling it around it wound up looking not too bad. This is the before: Not too bad - functional in the least. [The Next Next Day] The new semester has started and I've been putting small fires out here and there. But now it's time to get this project back on track! At the moment, this is the after: This looks a little less cluttered.  The user will sele