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The Conversion: Lay of the Landing Page - Part 2

In Part 1 of developing the landing page for the new travel application, we set up the landing controller and created the the CF function to get the trips relevant to the user. The next step is to begin developing the UI, the landing.html template, so we can actually see the trips.

Just a quick refresher - the landing controller code is a follows:
 angular.module('core').controller('LandingController',['$scope','dataService', function($scope,dataService){  
   $scope.trips = [];'getTrips').then(function(data){  
     $scope.trips =;  
And the landing template is empty at the moment.
 <div ng-controller="LandingController as ctrlLanding">  
The first step for the landing template is to create the table. This includes setting up the columns and looping through the $scope.trips array and generating the rows.
 <div ng-controller="LandingController as ctrlLanding">  
   <table class="table">  
     <tr><th>Trip Name</th>  
     <tr ng-repeat="trip in trips">  
This is some pretty basic not so exciting stuff which yields:
In thinking about this, there are few things to add to the page. The total number of participates would be helpful to the user contrasted with the total number that filled out the required documentation. The page also needs a filter by trip name. Most users have many trips, so a filter can help them access a particular trip quickly.  I've also thought about adding pagination, but in this case, it's not necessary since the list of active trips won't be large. That said, for administrative users who see all trips, pagination may be a valuable tool. The organization of the data will dictate if paging is necessary.

For the filter, we are going to use the AngularJS filter system. Our ng-repeat="trip in trips" in the template will change to ng-repeat="trip in trips | filter: filterTrips. This simple change will cause the filterTrips to be applied to each trip. Next, the controller is updated with a filterTrips function.
 angular.module('core').controller('LandingController',['$scope','dataService', function($scope,dataService){  
   $scope.trips = [];  
   $scope.tripFilter = '';'getTrips').then(function(data){  
     $scope.trips =;  
   $scope.filterTrips = function(_item){  
     var _r = false;  
     if (  _item.NAME.toLowerCase().indexOf($scope.tripFilter.toLowerCase()) > -1 ||  
         _item.DESTINATION.toLowerCase().indexOf($scope.tripFilter.toLowerCase()) > -1 ||  
         $scope.tripFilter.length == 0 ) {  
       _r = true;  
     return _r;  
The $scope.filterTrips function takes one parameter which is the item in the ng-repeat.  If the function returns true, the item is included in the repeat.  If the item is false, it will not be included. The if statement is doing the work where it's looking at name and destination, switching everything to lowercase, and testing to see if $scope.tripFilter is part of the text.  The landing template has been updated with the filter input.
 <div ng-controller="LandingController as ctrlLanding">  
   <div class="alert alert-info">Welcome to the Travel Resource Information Planning System (TRIPS).</div>  
   <div class="input-group">  
     <span class="input-group-addon">Filter</span>  
     <input class="form-control" ng-model="tripFilter"></input>  
   <table class="table">  
     <tr><th>Trip Name</th>  
     <tr ng-repeat="trip in trips | filter: filterTrips">  
Since I only have a single trip assigned to me, it would be nice to see a more practical use case.

Now lets filter on "land" and see what happens.  Anywhere "land" exists in the Trip Name or Destination field, that trip will be displayed.
That's some pretty decent functionality with very little code.  But there still is more work to be done on the landing page.  Column sorting is always a big feature with users.  Also, there needs to be a way to delineate between current and old trips.  In the Flex-based TRIPS application, users are able to archive trips which pushed them out of their main folder and into another.  But that requires the user to initiate the process. I am thinking for this system we can separate trips by whether the trip has occurred, is occurring or is going to occur.  We also should display the participant count as described earlier in the post. And finally, we need some navigation to the next route which will be trip details.  So I guess there will be a Part 3.

Hope you are enjoying the posts so far.  Feedback is always welcome as it usually makes be a better developer.



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